Here we go again! I am thrilled Albertson's is doubling coupons again, it is wonderful and exhausting at the same time! Here is 12 transactions (from different stores at different times of the day. No, I don't clear the shelves or tie up the lines for an hour, I travel around and leave stuff for others!) Most of the coupons I used have already been posted a few posts down, I just wanted to give you a visual!
3- Edge shaving cream = FREE
6- boxes of graham crackers = .64 each
6- bags of marshmallows= .64 each
6- 6 pack Hershey candy bars= .64 each
1- Bubble= .40 (filler item)
4- colgate toothpaste= FREE ( I have coupon guilt, I used expired coupons for the toothpate (exp. 5/16), without realizing it until my friend pointed it out to me! Thanks Annikan!
7- Skintimate shaving cream = FREE
8- Frenches mustard= FREE
1- Kraft salad dressing = FREE
14- Sweet Baby Rays Bbq sauce= FREE
Total spent+ $ 13.16 (includes tax)
Total savings= $ 162.61
Emily, I always love your posts! Thanks.
Don't feel bad about the toothpaste and expired coupon. One of the stocker ladies at the greenhurst alberstons told me about it so I went home and found it. If they mention it, then it must not bother them.
Does anyone have a few extra coupons for the skintimate? I am out and low on money! Can anyone help? Thanks
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