An outing to Fred Meyer this morning produced these random deals:

Coppertone Kids sunblock stick $4.99 (found on the end of the health and beauty aisles) . Use a $3 off blinkie (found attached to the sunscreen kiosk by the toys) for a final price of: $1.99!

Boudreaux's butt paste 2 oz (also in All natural formula) on sale for $5.49. Use $1/1 coupon from old insert for final price of $4.49!
Boudreaux's Baby kisses lip and cheek moisturizer. On sale for $3.49. Use another $1/1 coupon f0r final price of $2.49!

In the cosmetics section there is a large clearance shelf. EVERYTHING IS B1G1 FREE! I have a baby shower to plan and I needed prizes and gifts...and I found these cute bath gels on clearance for $5.97! There were 7 in a pack, So that means 14 cute stocking stuffers or gifts for about $6! (each bottle is 4 oz, so they were even a decent size!) It might be worth checking out to
re-stock your gift closet!
If I totally read this right last night, the 2 oz butt paste was $2.10 at Winco, regular price. Now that makes for a cheap final price. I plan to go back and really make sure with my coupons this week.
wow - that is crazy cheap. Boudreauxs website marks the 2 oz at $6.99! If it really is only $2.10 at inco...let me know! Ill go stock up for a dollar and some change!
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