Friday, April 3, 2009

Albies trip

I went to albies for another cereal run and found the jackpot! There are $1/1 peelies coming in on new shipments of the frosted shredded wheats! Wahoo! Free cereal is even better than almost free. Keep your eye out for these.

Albies also had clearanced a bunch of Huggies bath products(lotions, shampoos, hand soaps, etc. for $1.75-ish. Use $1/1 bath and body$1/1 (SS-1/11) = .75.

They also had clearanced a bunch of glade candle products and blink tear drops. The candles ended up being around 2.75-ish after coupons (Use bogo free Q (SS-3/15) and $1.50/1 SS-3/15.


Emily C. said...

Which location were you shopping at Tamra?

Katie said...

Emily, my friend was at the McMillan and Eagle store tonight and they had the $1 off peelies on their Frosted Shredded Wheats. I'll be heading there tomorrow!

Emily C. said...

I think I may have to make a trip myself--meet you in the cereal aisle!

Katie said...

Emily...Power then cereal? Ummmm, see you there!?!

Emily C. said...

It's a date!

Emily C. said...

Thanks again for the tip Tamra--I just scored 12 boxes of the frosted shredded wheat at the McMillan/Eagle Albies. I thought .17 per box was hard to beat, unless of course you can actually MAKE money buying something--and this one does! 6 boxes x 2.07 = 12.42, - $3 instant discount, - (6) $1/1 coupons = $3.42, get a $5 catalina back! That's 6 boxes of cereal and $1.58 in overage. Whoo hoo!

Martha said...

Thanks Tamra...I had gone last night and they didn't have them on the shelf yet. You must have gone after me. So I went today and had such luck!!! If you go and they're out, ask for more. They said they had some in the back with the coupons on them if the shelf is empty.