Have you all been taking advantage of Walmarts new coupon policy? They will take ANY COUPON now. Thats great news today, because Babies / Toys R us has out
THESE new store coupons. If you need to stock up on baby stuff...take these coupons over to walmart. If you have any Pampers/Huggies coupons from home mailers or coupons.com you can save even more!
Plus you can use
THIS $5/$25 coupon from Rite Aid to sweeten the deal! (expires 7/31)
Leave a comment if you do a great scenario!
So i have not heard of Walmart's new coupon policy. can you go into more detail or a site i can read about? and we can stack there??? ...i am getting excited.
All over walmart there are signs exclaiming they will now accept ALL coupons from ALL stores. This goes for RRs and doublers as well. Im not sure where you can go for details....but there are 2 coupon specialists with signs above their checkout stands at walmart. just go to their lane and you should have no problem. You can stack there of course! Store coupons + MCs.
I have tried to use coupons from other stores at Walmart and have never been allowed. They have the signs saying that they will do this but when I actually try it is just a flat no they don't take those. I was told that they only take Albertson's doublers now. So sick of Walmart. I have pretty much given up on shopping there. If anyone knows of a Walmart that will actually take these coupons in the Treasure Valley/ Boise or Nampa please tell?
Was so excited to read about Wal-Mart's new coupon policy. Sounded too good to be true so I called the corporate offie (1-800-925-6278) to find out the details and they know NOTHING. Geez, I am not suprised.
Will go to my local Wal-Mart, look for the coupon signs and talk to the manager.
I rarely shop at Wal-Mart so thanks for the info KCL! This will change where I shop.
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