**Stonehenge Produce is running a giveaway for 1 week only! Mention Discount Queens sent you and be entered for a $20 gift certificate!! This is one thing we rarely get coupons for so be sure to enter! At their awesome prices $20 will go a long way! This giveaway starts tomorrow, March 26th and will end next Friday, April 2nd at 6 pm. We will announce the winner next Friday night.

Doesn't everyone love fresh produce that is locally grown, especially when it's at a terrific price? Check out these
hot deals that will run from Thursday, March 25th-Wednesday March 31st:
- California Strawberries $1.79- 1 lb PKG
- Local Red Delicious Apples $.49 lb
They also carry:
- Cloverleaf Creamery (Milk and Ice Cream)
- And many more local products
Stonehenge Produce
is located at Fairview/Cloverdale (in the big white barn). They are open from 9 am -6 pm Monday -Saturday and Sunday 10 am- 4 pm. They accept Cash or Checks only. If you have any questions please call Shane at #440-4347. This is a family run store and they have local farms that grow just for them! So go and support them!
Please tell them Discount Queens sent you, especially this week so you can be entered to win a $20 gift certificate! If you love them as much as we do please leave a comment and let us know!
1 comment:
They are awesome there! I bought bananas and apples last week. I had been worried about buying the apples b/c I'd bought some at the regular grocery store and they were mushy. There is nothing worse than a mushy apple. So I asked them if they'd tried any lately b/c I only like them if they are crisp. The lady told me they were crisp and had another employee there cut one open for me to try for myself! I love it - try before you buy! They were great!
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