Monday, March 8, 2010

Let's help Kim go bald!!

Have you saved a few extra dollars by visiting our site? Maybe a few dollars you would be willing to put toward a really great cause? Well, here's your chance to give back a little!!

"Did you know that every 3 1/2 minutes a child is diagnosed with cancer. Did you know that every 3 1/2 minutes a parent is forced to receive this news from a Doctor?"

You can help!! Our own Discount Queen Kim, is participating in an effort to help raise funds through St. Baldricks:

"As a pediatric nurse, I am forced to see and experience situations that I may want to avoid. At other times I am in awe at the strength that I get after interacting with these children. I am faced with the children who don't want to be in their situations but bravely muster there way through. I am faced with families that are suffering and hurting. I am forced to interact professionally with them as we try to get them through these difficult times. I also become invested on a personal level with these families as we try to make the best of the situation. To put it mildly, cancer sucks!

So, after my experiences I have wondered what I can do to make more of an impact. I have chosen an additional place to invest my passion about childhood cancer into. In short, St. Baldricks raises money to expend toward cancer research. By donating to St. Baldricks, your money is directly used to fund cancer research. In return, well, I am going bald.

On March 13, 2010 I will stand before a crowd of people and hold my breath as (what I hope to be) a sweet old barber shaves my head down to just about nothing. Yikes! The thought - a little terrifying. But I would be willing to bet that the fear I may have is nothing compared to the fear that some of these children have as they are told they too will be losing their hair. The difference - it is not their choice. I am passionate about what I will be doing. I am passionate about raising as much money as I possibly can to put towards this cause."

Let's help her go bald and help those families in need of a cure!! Go HERE to visit Kim's site and make a donation - every dollar (even if it's just $1) helps!

1 comment:

Shimmeri Star said...

i donated $5 and i hope to donate my hair soon...i wanna save my head hair is a little past my buttand really thick