Saturday, February 6, 2010

A little savings secret...

Hey everyone, I just wanted to leave a reminder to take advantage of OLD NAVYS price adjustment policy. Sometimes I forget to do this, and some of you may not even know about it....

Basically whenever you buy something at Old Navy, you have 2 weeks to bring in your receipt for a price adjustment if the items you bought went on sale after you bought them.

Last week during their big 30% off sale I went and spent quite a bit on kids and babies clothes. Tonight I had a return to make there, so I went in and wouldn't you know it, pretty much everything I had bought was marked down. I had already gotten a great deal...but a price adjustment would make things even sweeter!

So when I made my return I handed the cashier my receipt and asked to do a price adjustment on the items. All she had to do was scan the barcode on the receipt - and I automatically made $30. Pretty awesome.

This is also handy to know about because every once in a while we hear about a big sale that will be coming up - and this gives you a way to shop ahead of the crowd, get the sizes you need - and all before the items are marked down. Then after the sale, just take your receipt back in and you will be paid the difference. Pretty great!

So all of you who shopped the 30% off sale - go get a price adjustment and make a little cash! Most everything you bought last week is probably on sale now!


Mitzi Beal said...

That's brilliant. Thanks.

Katie said...

Does GAP do this too?