Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Albertsons 1/27 - 2/2

I have some good news! I spoke with a manager today and he confirmed that their are Twice the Value coupons in the Sunday ad preview (thanks Martha also for this info!) This is just a preview though, they can always change their mind before print, so don't get mad at me if they are not there. I've posted the "double coupon" price in red. Thanks Fabulessly Frugal for a WAY heads up on this sale!!!!!

* Quaker Products Promo:
Save .60 each when you buy 5 participating products in a single transaction (mix and match any). Must buy in multiples of 5 for promo price. No Limit.

These items are $1 each when you buy in a group of 5:

All Cap'n Crunch Varieties
Life and Cinnamon Life
Oatmeal Squares Cereal
Quaker Chewy Granola Bars or Dipped
Quaker Breakfast Cookies
Quaker Instant Oatmeal
Quaker Pancake Mix
Aunt Jemima Pancake Mix

Items that are $1.40 each when you buy in a groups of 5:
Quaker Oats
Aunt Jemima Syrup

::Other Deals::
(in ad manufacturer coupons can not be combined with other manufacturer coupons)
Potatoes, 5 lb. bag Russet -$0.78

Del Monte Fruit Naturals, 7.5-8 oz. -$1.00
$1/3 HERE
Final Cost = $.67
Doubler =$.34

Ragu Pasta Sauce, 16-26 oz. -$1.00
Use in-ad manufacturers coupon. Must buy 2. Limit 2 per coupon.
Final Cost = $1.00 ea

Skippy Peanut Butter, 15-16.3 oz. -$1.00
Use in-ad manufacturers coupon. Must buy 2. Limit 2 per coupon.
Final Cost = $1.00 ea
See ful PYP shopping list HERE.


carolyne said...

if the skippy pb is a MC (even if it's in ad) - shouldn't they allow you to double it?

Tamra said...

I haven't seen the coupon - I'll get back to you later today when I do.