Thursday, August 13, 2009

Kraft Rebates

Yesterday I went to Albertson's (10mile) to get in on the Kraft promo. I did two separate transactions to get $40 worth in rebates. I got home, filled them out and looked for the address to send them to, and right there in small bold lettering...LIMIT ONE PER HOUSEHOLD. Oops, on my part. I am new to this couponing thing and just assumed they were one per transaction. Luckily I caught that and took 1/2 my groceries back to the store. The manager said she'd been having lots of people running multiple transactions. So just for those of you who were thinking the same thing as me, Kraft will only send you ONE REBATE per household. Here is what I got. The total came to $26. I used $20 in calalinas, spending $6 out of pocket. I got my $5 Catalina plus the $20 rebate. You do the math!


Unknown said...

Wow! If only I had $20 in catalinas laying around! sweet deal. And sorry about the confusion about multiple rebates. they do always put that in fine print!

Jana said...

Can you freeze your deli meat??