Thursday, August 13, 2009

Great News

You know all those 20% off coupons you get in the mail from Bed Btah & Beyond? Well now you will have a reason to use them! Did you know they put in a HUGE cosmetics/toiletries section right in the middle of their store. I had no idea this had occurred! Imagine my shock, when I went in for a candle and came out with some covergirl and right guard!

They have a clearance shelf by the checkouts full of random stuff including covergirl foundations and mascaras ($4.99). Use either your $1/1, or $2.50/2 coupons for a sweet deal! Or I could have used my 20% off coupon (which would have taken off $1). 

The other three items that I remember seeing were the Right Guard gel antiperspirants (I think for around $2.33) And Viactiv chocolate chews for around $4.50. There was also some Keri lotion with a freebie attached that I could not find a price on....but I know I have a coupon floating around somewhere for that! 

I was without my binder or a im just passing on this challenge to those of you who like to hunt down new deals! Im sure there are some good finds stowed in there!

So go check out BB&B and let us know what you get!

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