Monday, August 17, 2009

FREE JUICY JUICE at Albertson's...

I don't know what it is about FREE juice that gets me all excited, but it does! Hurry to Albertson's and use your $ 1.00 manufactured & double coupon, to get them FREE. Hurry, they will go fast!

I picked up:

9- boxes of Juicy juice= FREE after $ 1.00 off manufactured & double coupon
6- Glade Soy candles= FREE with manufactured coupon (up to $3.49 off)
4- Scotch tape= .25 each (in the clearanced section at back of store 7th/12th)
3- Roman Meal bread= .50 each after $ 1.00 off peelie & double coupon

Total spent= $ 4.45
Total savings= $ 81.78


Thrifty Queen said...

Had a bad experience this morning with a mean checkers at Eagle Albies in Eagle. She was so bad and got so frustrated and wanted to charge me more then I owed. Got the Asst Manager after she commented that I should get more organized in the future. She just needs to learn math!!!!!! Do not go to this location in the mornings unless you have to.

Custom Cookie Favors said...

I have not been able to find where to use the candel coupon any where. The size it looks like you got are $5 at my Albies. Are they less at yours?

Unknown said...

I never go to the Albertsons on Eagle and State. I have NEVER had a good experience at that store. Even though it is closer to my home than other Albertsons it isn't worth the aggravation!!!

Emily said...

The candles I got were in the clearanced section at Albertson's. I was so thrilled to find them that I didn't even notice the size, after my transaction was done, the checker noticed they were the 4 oz., not the 2 oz like the coupon said, she let me have them anyway because they were marked down to $ 2.99. and the store wanted to get rid of them. I just got lucky on those! I've been reading that Wal Mart is carrying them, and I did notice an empty spot at Albertson's were they would have been.

Reese Family said...

to get your juicy juice, how many coupons did you use? 9 separate ones?

Emily said...

Yes, I had 9 seperate coupons, so I was able to do 3 double coupon transactions.

Sara said...

Eagle & State is not interested in being coupon friendly. I definitely never coupon there, it is never worth the hassle I receive.