Thursday, August 6, 2009

All of this for FREE!!

Who needs 7 doublers? If you were like me, you waited until the last minute on Tuesday night to use all of your Albertsons doublers and, unfortunately, the stores were out, of EVERYTHING!
Don't worry though, there are still good deals to be had! Here is what I just got:

4 All Detergents
6 Vasoline Lotions
1 Ben & Jerry's

Coupons Used:
(4) $1 All
(6) $1.25 Vasoline
(2) Doublers
($15 in Cats)

Total before coupons: $30
Total after coupons:$3

**In Addition to the $15 OYNO that printed I also received a $3 Cat from the Vasoline!!!**
Total after $3 savings = FREE!!


Jessica said...

Great work! That's definately something to be proud of!

Julene said...

Good job, although I think factoring in the $3 catalina is kind of deceptive saying you are paying nothing. You still have to pay the $3 oop and that cat will go to the next shopping trip. It sounds good to factor in that catalina but the money is spent.

Tamra said...

Your right, the $3 will have to be paid intitially, just like the $15 will have to be paid initially. (the second transaction nothing will be spent). I am always spending at least $3 at Albertsons though so the cattalina is like getting cash back to me! Hope that clarifies things a little better.