Friday, July 3, 2009

Old Navy Sale - Canceled - EDIT!

I just called the meridian ON and was told you just have to metion the $1 deal to get the special price. However, I think all that is left is the mens size M.We received an email from a reader letting us know that the OLD NAVY T-Shirt Sale that Kim told us about HERE, has been CANCELED.

Thanks Shelley


Taresa said...

I just called the Meridian and Nampa stores and they said they ARE honoring the sale for up to 5 t-shirts! Meridian is running low in the kids dept. a couple left in womens and a TON in mens! Boise is not answering the phone so I'm not sure on that store!

Jilene said...

I was just at the meridian store and all they have mens x-large and xxl large. if that will work for you, get on over there!