Sunday, February 8, 2009

Disclosure Statement

What? We haven't done this yet?! I know we should have posted a disclosure statement months ago, but to our defense, I've only known about this for about a month, and we have been too busy posting deals! I'm pretty sure the cat is out of the bag at this point anyway: bloggers do make money. Some more than others, our blog falling into the later of the two :).
We mostly do it because we actually like finding and sharing deals. I would never have started this blog with my friends if this were not the case. I like interacting with other grown ups, even if it is through a blog. It's kind of fun knowing other people actually care (sometimes) about what I have to say because I know my 3 year old generally doesn't.

Because I rather be posting deals, and because so many others have already come up with better disclosure statements than I can, I'm going to link you to a couple ones that sum up our statement:
SKIMBACO Lifestyle (this one is funny ;))

Fabulessly Frugal (we make money the same way)

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